Monday, April 28, 2008


My family arrived in the US on 4/18 (Friday). John and I went to NYC to pick them up at JFK. It was SOOOOO good to see my mom and my 2 cousins. They are also expecting a baby, so the fam did some massive shopping over the weekend (4/19, 4/20). Fun Stuff!
Indo para Clinton Outlet Mall, pit-stop no Ruby Tuesdays:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Baby Shower - Friends - 3/30/2008


It's been a while since I last updated. During this time, I got very, very sick (cold), my husband went on his annual Myrtle Beach trip (4/3 to 4/8 ~ I am so glad that one is over), I had 2 baby showers (once w/ friends - 3/30 ~ and other with co-workers - 4/11), my dr.'s office had a mix up regarding my delivery date, my doctor sent me to a non-stress test @ the hospital because my baby isn't moving like she used to (4/11 ~ she is 100% fine, the movements are there, just a bit more subdued) - the combination of which (mix-up and non-stress) left this pregnant woman here very upset - and I had my last day in the office today. It's amazing how many things can happen in a couple of weeks.
My mom gets here from Brazil in 2 days - John and I will pick her and my 2 cousins (who are coming to the US to buy stuff for their soon-to-be-born baby boy) up at JFK on Friday. I can't wait till she gets here. We have some serious mom-daughter stuff to do in preparation for my baby's arrival.
Things are moving along....... Thank Goodness!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

36 Weeks

And boy, am I uncomfortable. I'm listing posible pregancy "symptoms" below. I bolded the ones that I've been experiencing:
Last month! You’ve finally made it. Are you starting to get uncomfortable? (Hmmm... Starting???) Many women nine months pregnant are dealing with swelling, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, back and sciatic pain, along with constant poking in your ribs. Your little one is finally running out of room.
Other physical symptoms include constipation, heart burn, bloating, indigestion, headaches, easier breathing after baby drops, more frequent urination as baby drops, increased difficulty sleeping, dizziness, nasal congestion, bleeding gums, increase or loss in appetite, leg cramps, itchy stomach, protruding naval, hot flashes, skin changes, fuller and leaky breasts, more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions, fatigue or extra energy (nesting), excitement, anxiety, relief that you’re almost there, irritability, over sensitivity, impatience, restlessness, carpal tunnel, tingly hands and feet, fetal hiccups, skin eruptions, and clumsiness.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Belly - 35 1/2 weeks and Carpel Tunnel (Oh, I'm SO swollen) - Pictures

Nursery - Pictures Galore!!!

Bedding - Roupa de cama

Roupinhas galore!!

Changing Table - Trocador
Window in need of a pretty curtain! - Janela -
precisando de uma cortina muito linda!
Crib - inside / Berco - dentro
Crib - inside / Berco - dentro

Crib - Bercinho

Dresser / Armario ja esta lotado de roupinhas!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


On Wednesday I had - what I believe is - my last u/s so that the perinatologist could check on my placenta and on the baby and also to give me an overall update on my pregnancy.

The news are fantastic:

1. My baby is now 6 pounds. She is measuring at the 75% for her gestational age.
2. My placenta is 6 cms above my cervix. No indication whatsoever of placenta previa.
3. My baby has hair!!!!!
4. She is also a little bit of an exhibitionist - she just didn't stop looking at the screen!

Needless to say, I am thrilled with the news. I am now less than a month away from the absolute last day that the doctor will let me keep her in my belly, which means that in less than a month, I will meet the love of my husband's and my life...