Sunday, May 3, 2009

Newsletter: Month 12

Giulia, today you turned one year old. I’ve been thinking of what I wanted to say to you when you reached this milestone, and I decided that I wanted to start with even before your father and I got pregnant with you… even then, we already wanted you so, so much. As soon as your dad and I started dating, we would have conversations about one day soon, having kids. Then on April 14th 2007 we secretly eloped and got married. Well, as soon as your dad and I made it “legal”, we decided that this “one day” should be immediately! Luckily for us, it took us one try and a month later we found out that we were expecting you.

On Saturday August 25th, three days after my period was supposed to start, your dad and I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. On the 26th, your dad drove me to the airport and I left for Asia on a business trip. During my 1st night in Singapore – I’d been lying awake pretty much all night, unable to sleep / get adjusted to the time difference – so, I decided to call your dinda Bruna to chat and while we were on the phone debating whether if “drinking wine and eating raw fish could harm the baby, just in case I had taken the pregnancy test too soon thus getting a false “negative” result”, I decided to take yet another pregnancy test, “just to make sure”. This time, the result was positive and I just can’t describe how incredibly happy I felt when I saw the double pink line. I hung up with your dinda and called your dad to tell him that our life as we knew it was going to change forever! Needless to say, those were the longest 2 weeks ever – I so desperately wanted to be home with your father and celebrate and share every single second of this pregnancy with him and no wine or fish for me!

And Gi, here you are now, a year after the nurse handed you to me in the hospital and you reached your little hand out to me. The love that I instantaneously felt for you and the overwhelming desire to protect you and to make sure that you had the best possible life was and still is the most powerful thing I’ve ever felt in my life.

You are a totally different baby then when we brought you home. You are so happy and independent and you know what you want and what you like and you make sure that everybody is aware of what that is! You like to play with your new toys, your big thing now is to talk on the telephone, untwist caps, put things into something and take them out, you love books and babies (neném!) and you are starting to stand on your own and to babble quite a bit. I love how excited you get at bath time when you play with your toys in the big girls tub and when you look at yourself in the mirror. You still love to watch Xuxa and to sing along with her and you love to watch the new DVDs that vovó brought to you from Brazil. You’ve become such a cuddler of late and when you give us the absolute best and biggest hugs, your dad and I simply melt in your arms...

This has been the best year of my life: I have never learned so much about life and compassion and love. You have taught me so much already... I feel like I’ve been given a second chance at life, one through the magic of your eyes. Our world has so much more color since you’ve been in it and now everything makes so much more sense and we feel so complete since you’ve become a part of our lives. There has never been a more peaceful moment in my life than when I go into your room and watch you sleep, breathe, to hear your life in the air. I thought there was meaning in my life before you came along, but in reality, I didn’t even know the meaning of meaning.
Weight: 23 pounds - 75%
Length: 31.5 inches - 97%