Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jack - 6 months

Jack, my love, you are officially 6 months old – that's six whole months - 1/2 of a year. We're not sure how time has gone by so quickly, and you continue to amaze us each and every day!
You have grown in leaps and bounds this month both physically (you are our big boy), but especially socially. It seems like every few days you were mastering a new skill. From finding your feet to playing Winnie the Pooh horsey with Santana and talking... You love to play with daddy’s watch, just like Giulia used to. Oh, you love to talk. Your dad, Santana and I have so much fun having conversations with you. Things that I found out this past month are that you have a ticklish belly and we knew that you loved bath (you love to kick your legs and splash around) but we didn’t know how much you would love to take baths with me in the big tub. You sit on my belly and tap the water and laugh… You love to smile and you just light up when you see your dad or me. You also adore Giulia. I’m sure you just can’t wait until you can play with her…
You love to play. We started you on the Exersaucer, at 1st, you couldn’t stand it for more than a minute and now you are a lot more comfortable and playing with its various activities.

You are teething still, but no tooth yet. It’s really hard to see, but this is one of the big milestones in your baby life and boy, you will get through it with your dad and me right there with you. You are alos having poopies issues, although for the past couple of days I have given you prune juice, which has prompted you to poo 3 or 4 times. Daily.

You have been incredibly hungry and although I’ve been pumping like crazy, I haven’t been able to produce as much milk as you need, so we started to supplement your meals with some formula. We also tried some baby food – carrots and sweet potatoes (2/16) – but you really didn’t like it as much. That was surprising because you are ALWAYS hungry.

You are now wearing 9 to 12 month clothing. You still wear size 2 diapers, but those are starting to get to be too small. And look how big you’ve gotten!
I now understand when people say that a mother’s heart can hold an infinite amount of love. I can’t believe how much love this heart of mine can hold, it is simply enormous. Between my love for your dad, you and Giulia one would think it would explode! But no, it stays steady, and ready to experience what’s ahead. I just can’t wait. Love you so much, Mamae.