Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Giulia loves to go swimming. Now if the weather would cooperate and Giulia would stop being sick... Then we would be able to enjoy this one month of summer that we get to have here in Seattle!

Major Breakthrough!!

I've been trying to get Giulia to "want" to go potty (if it's not something that she wants, then there's no way that she'll do it!) for a coupleof weeks now and she doesn't seem interested at all. Well today I went "potty" - I usually bring her into the bath room with me - and as she watched me, she asked for me to take her clothes off. I promptly obliged. She sat on the potty, but nothing happened. Then she got off the potty and went to the sink to brush her teeth. Well all of a sudden, she sat on the potty again and went pee!! I couldn't believe my eyes! I immediately gave a "reward" (chocolate bunny) so that she could make a positive association with going potty. I am over the moon!

Take my clothes off, mommy!

The "Potty"

The Reward