Friday, June 19, 2009

You are my everything, and everything is you.........

Dear Giulia. You are walking now. Not only taking a couple of steps and falling on the floor, but really, really walking. Like a big girl and all. You are no longer a dependant little baby now, honey. You are a little person. A little walker at that.
Congratuations sweetheart.
Love, Mommy.

This is a huge milestone for both of us. xx

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009


What a weird day.... Left early and stay late at work, hate it when that happens..... Didn't spend much time with Giulia today but we did get to go to our neighbor Dorothy's and Miss G. was the hit of the party, as expected. The kids loved her, played with her, wanted to hang with her... She is so amazingly cool, it is my absolute pleasure to hang and sspend time with my daughter. Giulia, you rock!
John, honey, you are now on an airplane, on your way back to us and we simply can't wait to see you. We love you so much and since you left, we've been quite empty.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Singapore - DIARY - day 2

Interesting day.... many changes happening... The one good thing is that you may be coming home soon...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Singapore - DIARY

John left yesterday for a TWELVE day business trip. Giulia and I promised to write him a daily log between now and when he gets back.
Tuesday 6/2:
I worked in the office until 3:30. At lunchtime I stopped in Gymboree (had gotten a call that everything was an extra 30% off) and purchased some summer items for Gi. Got 4 pairs of socks, a hat, capris, a bodysuit, 4 tank-tops and a pair of boots for $28. How? Well, with the exception of the boots, 1 tank top and the bodysuits, EVERY OTHER ITEM was less than one dollar! We did pretty well here, ey? :)
Came home and spent the rest of the day / night with Ms. Gi. It was a beautiful day and she got to spend it outside with Santana. At 7ish Gi went to sleep. At 9ish she woke up and we hung out until 10ish when she went to sleep. At 6:00AM she woke up and despite my efforts to have her go back to sleep, Giulia was up for the day!
I worked all day, went grocery shopping and came home. This is what was awaiting me....

Newsletter: Month 13

Giulia, yesterday you turned 13 months old. This has been a crazy month for mommy and daddy because we have been negotiating for a job in Seattle for the past month, so our anxiety level has been high.... Mommy in particular doesn't do too well with uncertainty!
The weather has turned for the better in the last few weeks so you have begun to play in your princess pool. You are reluctant when getting into the pool but once you are in you seem to enjoy it.
You are also becoming more secure in your walking and have been exploring new sounds. Your books have become very important to you. In particular you like the small Baby Einstein books and love to have Mommy, Daddy and Santana read to you. Your favorites are the Brazilian book you always chew and the Baby Einstein book with the pop open flaps.
Mommy has been working with you on petting Charlie and Daisy. She has been trying to teach you not to grab and pull their fur but to pet them. You love Charlie and Daisy very much but at times can be a bit energetic with them.
Lately you have become a bit needy with Mommy and Daddy. You love to be held and carried around the house. You get upset when you are put down or when you are given to someone else and you have begun to hug more. We can't tell you how wonderful it is to get a hug from you.
Your sleeping is still an issue and you are still teething. Lately you have been waking up in the early morning and not going straight back to sleep. Mommy and Daddy made the tactical error of bringing you into our bedroom and feeding you a bottle to get you back to sleep. We are now having a difficult time transitioning you back to your own bed. Mommy and Daddy cherish our time with you but is sure makes our work day a quite trying.
Even though our anxiety levels have been up do to the pending move our love for you and each other has kept us grounded. You constanty remind us of the important things in life which are our love for each other and you and the esance of our family.