Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Happy 6th Birthday, My Beautiful Giulia!!

Dear Giulia,

Today you turned 6 years old.  I can't put it in words how beautiful, special and kind you are.  You touch people's lives in ways that still amaze me and you teach me personally, every day how to be a better person in showing me a level of kindness that makes me re-think the way I deal with others.

You are very protective and adore your brother.   He looks up to you and wants to be a part of everything you do. You two are truly best friends.

You are so tall - the tallest one in your class. You are mature and strikingly beautiful.  You take ballet, gymnastics, soccer.  You are an amazing athlete and even skipped 2 levels of ice skating in one session.  You love school (you started kindergarten last August) and you have so many friends -- a  sociable and happy little girl.  You love to craft, color, draw, create. You have a beautiful voice and you love to sing. Your favorite movie this year is Frozen;  you know the words to every single song and you sing them beautifully.  You can't wait until Summer because now you can swim - and you are a pretty good swimmer at that.

You are a leader, people want to be with you, they want to be like you. During our first conference, your K teacher (Mrs. Moreno) indicated so and that she "wanted to influence you to continue use this 'power' (and influence that you have over people) in a positive way".  She obviously had the best intentions when she said that but she - and also obviously - didn't know you that well at that point.  So your dad and I had to explain to her some things about you....  We told her you were incapable of doing anything to anyone that wasn't positive. That your nature was so good and so wonderful that you could only do things to improve a situation or add something positive to it and that you would never do anything otherwise.    We told her that we were confident that once she got to know you better, that you would see all this for herself. Sure enough, by our 2nd conference, she thanked us for having "set her straight". She couldn't say more wonderful this about you, what a "sweetheart" you were and how lucky she was to have you in her class.

Your sensitivity to others is a talent that God has given you and you use it beautifully; if you see someone who is sad, you do what you can to help them overcome it, you try to make people feel better when things aren't going well, you bring smiles to peoples faces.... people want to be near you, they want to be a part of your life.  I feel so blessed that you are my little girl, Giulia. It is a privilege to be your mom.  I love you so much and can't wait to see what this upcoming year will bring to us.

Your day:

Last night you went to bed early because you wanted your birthday to come quickly. You were so excited for your birthday... Well, I am pleased to say that you had a really great day and enjoyed every single second of your day.

Your dad had to leave for Seattle before you even woke up, which means, the celebrations are going to be extended and thru the weekend.  But I woke you up to go to school, you and Jack had your usual snuggle, TV time drinking your milks in bed.

You took a book (The night that you were born) to school and I brought some favors (stickers and coloring paper) to give to your classmates who helped you celebrate your birthday. You were a silly hat and they all sang you Happy Birthday. Your day in school ended earlier as you had a 1/2 day. Eva came come with you and you 2 + Jack had lunch together.

You then went to Nicole's house for a playdate and an afternoon full of fun and birthday celebrations. You kids all decorated cupcakes, played together and sang happy birthday to those who were celebrating their birthdays (Cooper, Jack and you!).  So much fun!

At night we celebrated, yet again!, with titia Mara e titio Helio who were here visiting from Brazil. You had so much fun and such an awesome day.

And all those celebrations are very appropriate as, Giulia, you bring us all this joy and happiness - every single day - that should be very much celebrated. We love you.  Thanks for the best 6 years of our lives,

Daddy and Mamae

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Easter Weekend has begun!!!

Playdate at Teresa's (and with Jenna). The Danielsen's colored eggs for the 1st time. Yes. All of us.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Tooth Fairy

And the tooth is gone.  Giulia has officially lost her 1st baby tooth (bottom left center).

Our (big) problem is the fact that Giulia was sick (i.e. throwing up) all night last night and the tooth got lost in the middle of it all.

Giulia was so upset that she couldn't find her tooth (I had already - and unkowingly - washed her sheets by the time she woke up and told me about the tooth), so we told about about that "other" tooth fairy - you know, the one who comes for those kids who lose their teeth when they are sick. She comes on that same night and takes the tooth with her, that is, to make things a bit easier for that little kid who was having such a hard time the night before...

Giulia is such a special and kind-hearted little girl that she didn't let it bother her. She's excited to see what the "other" tooth fairy has in store for her (money!)...

The next morning....

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Coming home from having lunch at Friendly's..... :)

My Cupcakes and Birthday Smiles Model

We now have some pictures to choose from for your birthday invitation!! Yes, and you had some help from a certain someone who absolutely adores his big sister and wants to be a part of everything she does...