Saturday, December 25, 2010

Jack - 4 months

Jack. - You are four months old F-O-U-R , yes, four. 1/3-year old at that. This month has been crazy and our adventures even involved your 1st airplane ride to our home state, CT. You were an excellent traveler and never made a peep on the plane. At 4 months old, you’ve already earned your wings.

We needed to get our house ready to be rented out and we had Christmas at your Grammy Donna and Grampy Nicky’s. That was your 1st Christmas celebration and boy, did we have fun. You met your Aunt Julie – your Godmother – and Uncle Chris, your Uncle Rob and your Aunt Lisa and your beautiful cousin Lindsay. You were so cool being held by all of those new people, including many of your grandparent’s friends. Your big smile won everyone;s hearts. It was quite cold and snowy in the East Coast. It was also the 1st time you got a bit sick.

Jack, you were baptized on 12/26. You did absolutely wonderful, didn’t cry once. You bonded with your Godmother Julie from the get-go and we are sure that you will be really close with your Godfather, Leopoldo. We can’t wait for you to meet him and for your baptism celebration in Brazil.

When we got back from NY / CT, we had the best visit ever. Auntie Mara and Uncle Helio and your beautiful cousins Bia, Gabi and Pedro came to visit us. They spent the week with us and although that wasn’t enough, we cherished every second that we spent with them. Being here, the only one from our Brazilian family in the US, I really treasure every family visitor, especially someone who is like a sister to me (your Aunt Mara). Your father and I really hope that they had a great time and that they’ll want to come back to spend more time with us.

You went to daycare for the 1st time ever and everybody in Kindercare absolutely fell in love with you. You are still having poopie issues and on day 2 you had a major explosion. All my fears that I or Santana weren’t going to be there when you needed to be fed or changed went away because you did absolutely wonderful. It was actually the 1st time that you and your sister were in daycare at the same time. You guys did great, but your mom was worries sick. One of the thng that both you and Giulia have taught me is that you can be OK even though I’m not with you 100% of the time. On an intellectual level, I understand that. On an emotional level, I will always, and I mean always think that you need me and I will always be here for you. I really mean in – always. But I will also try my best to let you spread your wings. No pun intended!

What else have you been doing? Well, you oves toys, bright colors, catching your sister (pique-pega), making bubbles, dancing with me and the second I start dancing with you, your face lights up and you give me the biggest smile in the world. You only like your paci (not Giulia’s - quite opinionated!) and you love it when I sing to you, you look at me with so much love…
You love watching Dora and Ni Hao Hai-lan. These are colorful cartoons for little kids and you seem to be hypnotized by them.
.You made celebrating the holidays such a joy this year and your dad and I can't wait to continue celebrating our lives with you. It is so much fun to view the world through the eyes of a child and you and Giulia make us do just that.

Love you forever - Mamae

White Christmas

Sunday, December 12, 2010


So we are still having poop issues with Jack. He'll go 2 or 3 days without going and then all of a sudden, he'll go for those 3 days and more. This past Friday, Santana, John and I finally made our way to City Hall to get a passport for Jack. We had all the required paperwork minus the photos, because the lady at Walgreens messed up his pictures. But the Passport place had a photo option, 3 times the price, but at that point we were willing to pay the fee.

While John and I were solemnly swearing that Jack is really our child and born in the USA, Jack had an EXPLOSION. It was so bad that his clothes were covered in poop, I even had to wash him in the sink.

We, of course, didn't have a change of clothes for him. And he needed that picture. As we were scrambling to find something to cover him up with, he had the most content expression in the world. Happy and relieved. Couldn't care less if he ever left our arms, let alone the country...


Jack, you went from smiling to flat-out laughing. And we are loving every second of it!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Poop! (Or Lack thereof....)

So Jack went from pooping 4, 5 times a day to pooping once every 3 or 4 days. This really worried me since Giulia has never had this issue (as a baby or otherwise) and Jack had been super regular up until and before this.

I called the pedi and this is what I got. what I have to say is that thank God I am breastfeeding him....

How often should my baby poop?

In the first week, your baby should have a least 1 - 2 poops per day. This pattern should continue up until about 6 weeks of age.
After 6 - 8 weeks, some babies, particularly breast-fed babies, can poop after every feed and that's normal, while some babies, including breast-fed babies, only poop every few days and that's normal. Formula-fed babies often have less frequent and less liquid poops than breast-fed babies - that's normal.
So you can see that what is normal includes a wide range - if your baby is growing and contented and pooping at least once every week, there probably isn't anything to be worried about.

Is it normal for my baby to squirm around when he poops?

A baby will often squirm around and screw up his face when he poops. He is just helping his bowels move. Drawing up the legs puts him more in a squatting position that makes it easier to poop. It doesn't mean he has a problem or is in pain. As long as he is pooping and is growing, don't worry too much.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

So, in all the years that I’ve been living in the United States, today is the 1st Black Friday I have actually went out shopping. I absolutely hate crowds, lines, and honestly, no sale has ever tempted me enough to have me wake up at 2AM to go to a store. I mean, not even at 8AM! But today I went to a couple of stores with John and Donna (my mother-in-law) and the whole (dreaded) trip wasn’t that bad... Granted, we left home at 1PM (no waking up at ungodly hours to shop) and we only hit 3 stores, but we actually had a good time. We bought nothing at Pier 1, nothing at World Market and 350 dollars worth of bargains (!!) in Old Navy. How could I possibly resist $5 comfy pants? Not even when I bought 10 pairs worth…. :) The good news is that out of the 6 bags that I brought home, I’ll be returning 4. Phew!

All in all, I bought gifts for 2 people, plus lots of comfy stuff for myself. Best of it all, Black Friday will never be dreaded again!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Jack - 3 months


It has been three months since you came into this world and into our lives. It has been a privilege to get to know you, the little nuances of you, everything, all the joy you bring into our lives.

We now have the longest conversations…. We talk and talk and talk…. And we laugh and laugh and laugh! You love to be held, cuddle up with papai, Santana and me, you love it when I give you 100 kisses (ataque de beijo!!), you make the cutest face when I am kissing you, like you are exactly where you want to be.

I can’t get enough of your sweet disposition, the way you curl your little toes, how you love to take baths, play jumpy, jumpy with Santana and how you hold your little hands together as if you were praying…

This past month was one of many celebrations: we celebrated Bá’s and Mamãe’s birthdays (on Halloween!) and Grammy Donna and Grampy Nicky were here so that we could all celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. And since we are talking about giving thanks, I am so thankful for so many things in my life, but most of all, I am thankful for the 3 of you, the most important people in my life, and the love that you, Giulia and papai give me. Mostly and especially, I am thankful for the way that the 3 of you have taught me how to love: deeply, absolutely and unconditionally. A way to love that very few people in this world have the privilege to know how...

Birth / Nascimento:
Length / Comprimento: 20 inches / 50.8 cm
Weight / Peso: 8.55 pounds / 3.87 kg
Head Circumference:

6 weeks / 6 semanas:
Length / Comprimento: in / cm (%)
Weight / Peso: lb / kg (%)
Head Circumference:

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Jack - 2 months


I can’t believe it’s already been 2 months since your birth. These couple of months have flown by and you are becoming more interactive. You now smile. And Jack, thankfully for us, you smile all the time, my baby.

You are beginning to make sounds like you want to communicate with us. You are hungry all the time and clearly growing a lot. You only cry when you are really tired or really hungry. At all other times, you smile, smile, smile.

I went back to work 2 days before you turned 1 month old. It was an incredibly difficult thing to do, but after much thought, I decided to go back in order to maximize my days with you next year. I can’t wait until next summer when I’ll take my maternity leave and will get to spend a lot of time with you.

Jack, I love how you put your hands together like you are praying, I love how you curl your little toes, how you have fun with Charlie and Daisy and your sister, how you are so easygoing and cool. And Jack, I simply LOVE how you smile all the time. I absolutely love you, my son. Happy 2 months.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jack: Happy One Month!


It has been one month since you came into this world. We love you so much and are so happy that you are here with us. You are the sweetest boy and such a wonderful baby. As of now, you pretty much sleep all the time but I can’t think of anything cuter…
You make the funniest faces (which show your beautiful dimples) and noises, it feels like you are almost "talking" to me and understanding what I'm saying to you... You are always hungry and want to feed all the time. Like your sister, you love taking baths... your vovó Rita gave you your 1st bath and you just enjoyed it, not crying once. You love and always sleep during car rides. Unlike your sister, you like the pacifier. You have the most expressive hands and like keeping them by your eyes, like a little bunny.

This past month was spent with 2 of the most special people in the world to me: your grandma and your great-grandma. They came here on 8/21 only to meet you and spent the better part of last month with you. In the 1st month of your life, you’ve done your share of shopping with them – we were already out and about only 3 days after your birth! It was a busy month, but a month when you felt much love from your grandmas, grammy Donna and granpy Nicky (who spent a week here in Seattle with us), Santana, your dad, sister and me. One thing you should know, my little one, is that you are so incredibly loved.

From the time that we laid our eyes on you, to having had our parents in town, managing it all, as well as Giulia, your dad and I have been really busy. Even though we were pretty concerned, Giulia has been nothing but incredibly loving towards you.

Now that you are here, your father and I have also felt incredibly right and complete. I can’t be happier or feel more blessed than I do – I have the most beautiful family in the world and when I think that things can’t get better or that I can’t have any more than what I already do, God blesses me with more...

You are our beautiful gift and we can’t wait to enjoy more and more of you.
We love you. Mamãe

Birth / Nascimento:
Length / Comprimento: 20 inches / 50.8 cm
Weight / Peso: 8.55 pounds / 3.87 kg
Head Circumference:

6 weeks / 6 semanas:
Length / Comprimento: in / cm (%)
Weight / Peso: lb / kg (%)
Head Circumference:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Giulia loves to go swimming. Now if the weather would cooperate and Giulia would stop being sick... Then we would be able to enjoy this one month of summer that we get to have here in Seattle!

Major Breakthrough!!

I've been trying to get Giulia to "want" to go potty (if it's not something that she wants, then there's no way that she'll do it!) for a coupleof weeks now and she doesn't seem interested at all. Well today I went "potty" - I usually bring her into the bath room with me - and as she watched me, she asked for me to take her clothes off. I promptly obliged. She sat on the potty, but nothing happened. Then she got off the potty and went to the sink to brush her teeth. Well all of a sudden, she sat on the potty again and went pee!! I couldn't believe my eyes! I immediately gave a "reward" (chocolate bunny) so that she could make a positive association with going potty. I am over the moon!

Take my clothes off, mommy!

The "Potty"

The Reward

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Seattle Coffee Crawl - May 30, 2010

Newsletter: Month 25


Today you turned 25 months old. You are this amazingly creative, smart, loving and absolutely beautiful little girl. This month was super cool because we had some very special visitors from Brazil: Titia Mara e Titio Helio. They spent a couple of weeks with us and we got to do some great things with them. You bonded with them very quickly and to date, almost a month later, you still ask for “Titia Mala” e “Titio Mala”, actually quite often!
This past Memorial Day weekend was also quite special because we had Titia Carla come and visit us from Dallas. We went to Leavenworth, Snohomish, downtown Seattle (on a very cool “coffee crawl”), to West Seattle and on awesome car rides throughout beautiful WA. You loved spending time with Titia Carla and the 2 of you got along beautifully.

It didn’t take us long to see Titia Mara e Titio Helio again. On May 7th we left for Brazil for your Dindinha Buba’s wedding. You, again, did great on the trip over and back (thank God for portable DVD players!) making this otherwise tiring process a fairly easy one on your dad and me.

You looked like a princess in your flower girl dress, you played amazingly well with your cousin Maria, swam in the kids pool with Jusia, papai and mamae, had beautiful moments with Vovo Rita, Vovo Toinho e Vovo Nair, had much fun with Dindinhos Dede and Buba, had a great time playing with Malu, Mariana and Joao Pedro, amongst many other amazing and unforgettable moments you got to spent with some very special people while we were in Brazil.

Giulia, our bond grows every day as you and I have become incredibly attached. It is so difficult to be away from you, I have an incredibly hard time every time I have to leave you, despite knowing that you are in great hands and being as loved as ever.

Today there was a moment that will be in my heart forever. We went to the airport to drop off Titia Carla and stopped at the Mall. I sat down to wait for your dad while you and Santana went up and down the escalators. As you went up, you kept looking towards me to make sure that I was still there. As you came down you kept on waving at me and smiling and the second you were off the escalator, you ran towards me, with the biggest and most beautiful smile on your face, with your arms wide open to give me a hug. You repeated this, 5 or 6 times and every time you and I would have this amazing moment when we would looked at each other and you would run towards me to give me the biggest hug... In that moment, it seemed like it was only the 2 of us in this whole universe and nothing else mattered! It was only pure love, emanating from both of us, a love so complete and perfect, which I’d never known existed, not until I laid my eyes on you. May you always continue to search for me, Giulia, and every time you do, I promise that you will find me still there.

I love you so, so much, Mamae

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Giulia, tomorrow you'll be 2 years old. Part of me is so excited for all the things that are yet to come, the life that your dad and me will be sharing with you... but part of me is missing the days that you were a little baby and wishing you could stay this innocent and little forever...

Soon Mamae will be giving birth to your little brother and our family will have one more miracle. Although we can't wait for the day we meet your brother, we also want you to stay just the way your are. The main reasons for this is because we are both in such a great place in our life that and we are enjoying our family so much that we don't want time to go by... But time does go by and every day your personality grows more and more. You are growing into such a special child and we love you so much...

We love you, little one.
Thank you for the best 2 years ever of our lives.

Happy Birthday

Mamae e papai

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Newsletter: Month 21

Giulia, my big baby (literally, see below!), you are now 21 months old. You’ve had a huge growth spurt this month and yep, a bunch of your pretty clothes all of a sudden became way too small for you. It scares me how quickly you are growing – it’s almost like God’s way of reminding your papai and me to enjoy every second of this gift (you!) that He’s given us. Here are some things that you’ve been doing this month:

You love the puppies – you’re always giving them big, tight hugs… hey at least one of you enjoys those hugs – a lot!

You reach your little hand and say “a mao” (the hand) when you want to take any of us wherever you want to go / do what you want to do. You will say “senta, mamae / papai / Ba” when you want one of us to sit with you. Then you instruct us to do the next thing, like pinta, mamae (let’s color mommy). And you know exactly what you want, expect us to do and where you want to go.

You love to sing (you know every Xuxa song by heart!) and you just love to dance. Amongst many others, you can sing the ABC song in English and you can count to 10 in both English and Portuguese. Smarty pants.

You love going to the library with Santana. She walks with you to and from the library and you get home and still, you still have so much energy… You love going to the park and going down the slide. The other day, your father and I were walking with you in the path behind our house and when we got to a certain point you diverted from the path and started walking toward a condo complex. You wanted us to follow you, so, even though we weren’t quite sure what was going on, your father and I followed. You took us to this playground where you go with Santana sometimes. You knew exactly how to get there, which slide you wanted to go and how long you wanted to be there (although I had to grab you from the playground because in your book, that would have meant never!). It’s amazing how determined you are and how you know exactly what you want. This makes your father and I so happy because we’ve always wanted things in your life to go your way, for you to do what you want, for you to have the freedom to choose your own path. And we will always do whatever we possibly can to make sure you have all the tools to do just that.

And the best thing that’s happened this month is that now you hug me. Giulia, you just come and hug me sometimes, you’ll hug my legs and you’ll squeal -- you’ll hug me with so, so much love… You’ve become so much more loving towards me and you are just so much closer to me. And Giulia, I enjoy every second of it, I am enjoying my gift so very much – I never take you for granted. May this trend only grow and may we get closer and closer – I love you.

Saturday, January 2, 2010