Saturday, March 14, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

Newsletter: Month 10

Giulia, on the 28th, you turned 10 months old. The reason we are celebrating yet another month in your life so early, is because this February only had 28 days. Don’t worry, once you get older, you will not want to celebrate your birthday a couple of days early, but for now, I’m sure you won’t mind.

In the beginning of the month you had your 2 bottom teeth. Then after a couple of very difficult days, mommy found that you, all of a sudden, had six teeth: 4 upper and 2 lower pearly whites. Now, level with me, kid, why did you have to go and grow those six teeth and did they really have to sprout at the same time? You are usually such a good-natured baby, but I had no idea what teeth could do to a human being, even to the sweetest of them all! And to make things even more exciting for your daddy and I, people everywhere would say, “oh, don’t worry, things will get so much easier…”, and then in the same breath “…but this will last until she’s 3 years old!”

In the last month we have met Miss Personality: you love certain things and really, really don't like other things. You love banana puffs. You do not like spaghetti baby food and you will make the cutest “this-is-so-yucky” face when we try to feed it to you. You like applesauce. You do not like to be kissed. You love to watch Xuxa (so much that mommy and daddy have are now singing Bila BilĂș in their sleep!), but hate it when I try to clean your nose.

You are crawling everywhere; putting every single thing is your mouth, testing your limits… You are curious, happy, tenacious… You’ve learned to stand really well and you are trying to walk. You’ve become a biter but you are also learning that that’s not an OK thing and when we say “no”, you actually stop. You are playing with Charlie and Daisy a lot more and they seem to want to play with your toys and you seem to want to play with theirs, making it very difficult to keep them separate. Every morning you wave us goodbye, and you are always smiling and that reassures us and enables us to actually leave our home, because Giulia, even though we’ve been back at work for some months now, we can’t tell you how difficult it is to leave you every morning. But knowing that you’re OK makes it so much more bearable.

Daddy has finished working on the condo and he is back feeding, bathing, playing with and putting you to sleep every night. During the time that he was working on the condo, daddy woke up every single night and morning to feed you. It was your special time with him and something that your daddy learned to cherish and look forward to.

One day you started coughing and to mommy it was obvious that something wasn’t right – sure enough, you had swallowed a little piece of plastic, which was causing you to choke. Thanks to a very quick reaction from Santana, she was able to dislodge it from your throat. The whole thing lasted 5 or 10 minutes, but to us, it felt like an eternity, because right then we both realized how precious your life is to us, and that just our knowledge that you were not OK, scared us tremendously. Right then, we further realized that ensuring your well-being and us protecting you from any and all harm is much more than just another job of being parent, it is our essence and an integral part of who we are.